A few tips for safely shooting Bisalloy Steel Targets
Firearms and shooting are inherently dangerous and as such, safety precautions must be taken when handling and using firearms. Please read and adhere to the following safety guidelines when using steel targets. It is also strongly recommended that the customer has read and understood the National Firearms Safety Code.
We strongly recommend the following:
Always wear approved safety glasses and hearing protection when using firearms.
When using gong targets or targets suspended from a frame, ensure that the chain or strap is bolted behind the target in order to angle the target downwards and avoid bullet fragments ricocheting back towards the shooter.
Maintain a minimum distance of at least 25 metres in front of steel targets when using a handgun to protect the shooter from fragmenting lead and jacketed bullets.
Maintain a minimum distance of at least 50 metres in front of steel targets when using a rimfire rifle to protect the shooter from fragmenting lead and jacketed bullets.
Maintain a minimum distance of at least 100 metres in front of steel targets when using a centrefire rifle to protect the shooter from fragmenting lead and jacketed bullets. We have found that limiting your target impact speed to 3000fps and under keeps target wear and damage to a minimum.
Bystanders should always maintain a minimum distance of 10 metres behind the shooter and wear eye and hearing protection.
Always position steel targets as close as possible to the ground to ensure shooting is performed on a downwards angle. Never mount steel targets above the standing height of the shooter.
Make sure to inspect steel targets and the mounting hardware for signs of fatigue or damage prior to use and replace if necessary.
With our knock-down animal targets, never shoot at the target base when it is knocked over. The base is not bulletproof and will be damaged by a direct bullet strike.
Please ensure the target impact surface is smooth and flat to make sure any projectile fragments/ricochets travel in as predictable a manner as possible.
We recommends all our steel targets are mounted in a manner that permits them to swing and move freely on impact to minimise projectile energy absorbed by the target and maximise product life.
Never shoot steel core, hardened, or Armour Piercing ammunition at any steel target.
Wash hands after handling lead bullet splattered targets to avoid possible lead ingestion.
The onus is on the user (be it an individual, sporting club, government agency or commercial entity), to ensure our products are used in a safe manner. It is the sole responsibility of the user to develop, review and adhere to, safe use procedures based on their intended use as well as to be aware of the National Firearms Safety Code.
Best practices for shooting steel targets include:
1. Always utilize a top quality target that is manufactured with Bisalloy 500 steel and has solid functionality to deflect splatter into a safe direction
2. Choose the right ammunition – when using normal rounds like FMJ, Soft Points, Hollow Points and cast bullets, the bullet breaks into many thousands of harmless fragments making it much safer to use
3. Follow distance guidelines – we can’t say enough how important it is to follow all safe distance guidelines to ensure the safety of yourself and others
4. Limiting your target impact speed to 915m/sec (3000fps) at 100m keeps target wear and damage to a minimum.

A bullet hitting a Bisalloy Bunny Target at 2400fps from 100m away